CascadiaStrong Quick Reference Guide

Mailing Address: CascadiaNow!, PO Box 30181, Seattle, WA 98113


Primary Contact: Projects Director Bethany Clochard,

Tax ID# 47-1954164                             WA UBI # 603-434-191


Revenues you receive: All charitable donations, ticket or merchandise sales, or any other revenues received must be received by CN! for deposit into your project fund. Checks must be made out to “CascadiaNow!” and we encourage your project name on the "memo" line. Deposit checks or cash at any Columbia Bank location (email for account number) and report your deposit using our online form. Checks can also be mailed directly to Columbia Bank and please also report these deposits using our online form. Alternatively, checks or cash can be mailed to CN! (address above.) Contact to link your revenues to our Columbia Bank account, Stripe or PayPal, or with any questions. We recommend that you thank donors personally! We send tax receipts annually (donors giving over $250) or upon request.

Money you spend: All expenses must be included in the original project budget or approved by the CN! board of directors. There are three ways to spend money from your project fund:

  1. Submit an expense request at least five to seven (5-7) business days in advance. We appreciate as much advance notice as you can give. Project leaders must collect and submit signed W9’s to us for contractor/vendor payments over $599 annually.

  2. Request and use your Project Leader Credit Card then submit receipts using our online form here. Project fund balance limits apply - ask us for an application!

  3. Pay an expense out of pocket and submit your receipt using the expense request form. You will be reimbursed for the expense within five to seven (5-7) business days.

In-Kind Gifts: Any money spent on a project that a project leader does not wish to be (or does not have the funds to be) reimbursed for can be accounted as an in-kind gift. Please send itemized receipts for in-kind gifts to

Responsibilities of Project Leaders: Project Leaders are expected and empowered to coordinate all aspects of their project, including organizing all project activities and raising funds independently to support the project. They are also responsible for:

  • Completing biannual project reports due March 15th and September 15th. (CN! staff will will contact you to remind you that the reporting deadline is approaching and provide a reporting template.)

  • Disclosing the relationship between CN! and the project on all published print and digital materials. This public disclosure is required by the IRS and it can be as simple as including wording such as: "a project of CascadiaNow!."

  • Reporting all revenues and expenses to CN! Any funds received or spent that do not go through CN! are the liability of the person whose name those funds are in. We cannot be responsible for taxes on or activities paid for by monies that are not in our books.

Entering into contracts: As stipulated in our Memo of Understanding, a project may only enter into a legally binding contract (rental agreements, grant agreements, etc.) with the signature of the CN! Executive Director, CN! Board President, or CN! Board Secretary.

Financial Statements: Project Leaders may request a financial statement at any time with ten (10) business days' notice, or request an updated project fund balance with three to five (3-5) business days' notice:

Publicity: Please advise CN! ASAP of any upcoming project events or milestones. The more notice we receive, the more visibility we can lend to your awesome project achievements: